Apnea. Your patient and empathic bed partner notices that you suddenly cease not only your snoring but your breathing as well. You actually stop breathing, for ten, then twenty, then thirty seconds. Then his or her surprise, you begin to gasp for air as if it were your last breath. This cycle repeats itself over and over, all night long. For your part, you may be totally unaware of all of that, as the alarm clock rings. may wake up with a dry mouth, a headache, and feeling hangover You may also be sleepy during the day; have significant memory have concentration, attention, mood, and other related problems. -the rather horrifying scenario is typical for a disorder called sleep apnea With obstructive sleep apnea, the lungs continue to work but the muscles in the throat become so relaxed that the airway becomes all or partially closed. With central sleep apnea, a far rarer form, the body temporarily stops making any effort to breathe.

Bruxism. A more common problem than most people thinks, bruxism occurs when you wake up with a tension headache or a sore jaw from grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep. Dentists are usually good with monitoring your teeth and looking for signs of damage. Treatments range from mouth guards to meditation.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS). Particularly around bedtime, many people (about 10 to 15 percent of the population) experience “pins and needles feelings,” an “internal itch,” or a “creeping, crawling sensation” in their legs, with a subsequent irresistible urge to relieve this discomfort by vigorously moves their legs. RLS makes it difficult to fall asleep, and a related disorder periodic limb movement may also awaken you out of sleep, forcing you to walk around to relieve the discomfort. Symptoms of RLS can range from being bothersome to have a severe impact on your and your bed partner’s lives. The exact cause of RLS is unknown, and it is considered a neurology sensory-motor disorder. Primary RLS accounts for 40 to 60 percent of all cases and is not related to disorders. Secondary RLS is a form related to an underlying condition such as kidney failure, pregnancy, or iron deficiency anemia. Certain medications can trigger or worsen this form. Lots of research is currently underway to understand and treat RLS.

Narcolepsy. Excessive daytime sleepiness is typically the first s torn. It’s the overwhelming need to sleep when you prefer to be awake. Narcolepsy is associated with a sudden weakness or paralysis often frightening by laughter or other intense feelings; sleep paralysis, an frightening situation, where one is half awake yet cannot move; a tensely vivid and scary dreams occurring at the onset or end of One may also experience automatic behavior, in which one pen routine or boring tasks without full memory later.

Periodic limb movements. These can be anything from twitches to full kicks that occur within ninety seconds of each throughout the night. You may not realize that these movements wake you up, but you do wake to an unrefreshed feeling in the morning.

Insomnia. This is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep or waking too early, for more than four to five nights per week, and for more two to three months.

Read more about Insomnia

If you suspect you have a sleep disorder, this book is a starting for ruling out other potential problems that you can control on own. If, after you’ve gone through my programs, you still cannot good night’s sleep, speak to your primary care physician and consider seeing a sleep specialist. Combined with the guidance of your doctor or a sleep specialist, this book remains a good source of information for working through your sleep issues.

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