What foods contain melatonin?

products with melatonin
products with melatonin

Record melatonin amount is in cherries and, as a result, in cherry juice.
The second-place deserves walnut and tomato.
Bananas are rich in sleep hormone: in addition, potassium and magnesium, contained in bananas, have a positive effect on the condition and relax the muscles.
A lot of melatonin contains rice, asparagus, corn, oatmeal and flakes, ginger root, peanuts, mustard seeds.
You can also satisfy your body with the sleep hormone by eating a pomegranate, broccoli, and strawberries.

What contributes to the production of melatonin in the body?

The main way to normalize the production of melatonin is the observance of sleep and wakefulness. Also, to restore the strength and resources of the body, it is desirable to follow a balanced diet, or at least use foods rich in tryptophan (important for the synthesis of melatonin). All types of legumes and grain crops are rich in tryptophan: peas, soybeans, beans, wheat, oats, etc. Some nuts and dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, milk, kefir, mushrooms, dates, bananas, meat (especially turkey meat) and fish.
Excessive use of coffee, black tea, smoking, and alcohol reduces the production of the hormone. Give up bad habits to improve sleep and well-being.
The need for melatonin is not always possible to cover with food, it is faster and more efficient to add melatonin from special supplements. They are sold in this online shop.

When is melatonin produced?

Melatonin is produced at night, in the dark. At this time, about 70% of all melatonin is synthesized in the body. Excessive room lighting can disrupt this hormone synthesis. Normally, it begins to actively develop at around 8 o’clock in the evening. The peak of its concentration in the body – the period after midnight from 2 to 4 am. That is why it is so important to adhere to sleep and sleep in a dark room. In an adult’s body, about 30 μg of melatonin is synthesized daily. Note that for the normal production of melatonin, not only darkness is necessary, but also sunlight. For hormonal changes that lead to the synthesis of melatonin, it is necessary to spend at least 60 minutes every day outside in the daytime.
Pay more attention to proper rest, if you are not indifferent to health. Observe sleep and rest hygiene, restoring the body’s resources faster. During periods of hard exercises and training, take dietary nutrition with melatonin. It will improve the work of the endocrine system and help to cope with a lack of sleep. Exercise, move and travel!